K–8 Math Curriculum Quality: The State of District-Led Selection by Region 2024

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of regional differences in the adoption of K-8 core math curricula across the United States and offers insights to help address inequities and support systemic improvements in math education.

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The Center for Education Market Dynamics • October 30, 2024

Districts play a critical role in shaping the future of math education. By carefully selecting curriculum that aligns with strategic priorities, districts can ensure that all students, especially those historically underserved, have access to high-quality math instruction.

While nationwide adoption of high-quality math instructional materials is increasing, access to the materials remains uneven across geographic regions. By understanding these regional variations, educational leaders can work toward equitable access to high-quality math curricula, enhancing learning outcomes for all students.

Figure 1 from report titled, "Access to HQIM for K-8 Core Math by District Locality, 2023-24" showing a table with two columns: "Locality" and "Percent of Districts With Access to HQIM."

Key Findings:

  • Geographic Disparities: Access to high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) differs by district location.
  • Elementary Math Trends: Only one curriculum shows consistent use across districts nationwide, while other curricula vary significantly by region.
  • Middle School Math Fragmentation: The middle school math curriculum market is more regionally divided, with no single product capturing more than 17% of district selections.
Graphic of CEMD favicon with non-parallel nearly intersecting yellow and turquoise squares.

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