
Access our thought leadership reports for information and insights that impact historically underserved students nationally.

Three diverse female and one Black male district leaders smiling in a meeting about curriculum selection.

K–8 Math Curriculum Quality: The State of District-Led Selection by Region 2024

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of regional differences in the adoption of K-8 core math curricula across the United States and offers insights to…

Mature Black district leader smiling while taking notes during a school board meeting on curriculum selection.

K–8 Math Curriculum Quality: The State of District-Led Selection 2024

This report explores year-over-year data on district-led selection of K-8 math curricula, highlighting a growing trend toward high-quality instructional materials, and underscores the importance of…

Asian woman addressing a group of district leaders about supplemental math curriculum products while a Black woman writes on a whiteboard.

Beyond the Core: National Trends in District Selection of K-5 Supplemental Math Products

In this report, CEMD offers a detailed analysis of the supplemental math products that school districts in the United States are selecting for elementary education,…

Elementary school student solving a math problem on the board with the help of her Asian teacher and diverse classmates.

Moving Ahead: Mapping Recent K-5 Curriculum Selection Trends in California

In this report, CEMD offers new 2023–24 data about the high-quality math choices that California districts are making now, with a focus on K–5 core…

Black high school student at whiteboard working through a problem in math class while being guided by his teacher.

High School Math: Examining the State of the Curriculum Market

In this report, CEMD explores the state of the high school math market, the variety and quality of its offerings, and the implications of this…


K-8 Math Curriculum Landscape: Spotlight California

This report illuminates the K–8 math education market in California, the nation’s largest public education system. CEMD analyzed curriculum selection data from California’s largest districts…

Black female teacher helping a Black middle school student with his school curriculum work.

Closing the Gap: The Case for Transparency in Curriculum Selection

The education sector suffers from a major information gap when it comes to the curricula that school districts select and implement. In this report, CEMD…

Focused group of four diverse educational leaders with laptops and papers reviewing K-12 insight reports.

K-8 Math Curriculum Products and Publishers: The State of District-Led Selection

Today's math market looks a lot different than it did a generation ago. In this report, CEMD gets a quantitative handle on the sense of…

Male teacher sitting with student looking at laptop in a classroom.

K-8 Math Curriculum Quality: The State of District-Led Selection

Students need math curriculum that engages and challenges them. In this report, CEMD paints a picture of the national footprint of high-quality math curriculum, with…

Graphic of CEMD favicon with non-parallel nearly intersecting yellow and turquoise squares.

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