Our Impact

CEMD wants to remake the curriculum information landscape.

We’re bringing curriculum selection into greater focus – making it knowable and comprehensible for all those with a stake in its improvement.

Why? Because good curriculum is a crucial classroom resource.

The research is clear: high-quality curriculum can drive meaningful improvements in teacher practice and student learning.

A picture of a secondary Indian, female schoolteacher sitting with a Black student, discussing her work in a classroom within a school.
Our impact map of the United States representing 934 school districts identified in CEMD’s Impact Core.

But we just don’t know enough about teacher and student access to this resource. Only eight states require systematic curriculum reporting by districts. Nationwide, curriculum selection remains something of a black box, leaving key stakeholders with insufficient information.

We fill this information gap by gathering, translating, and amplifying district curriculum selection data, so that everyone in this market can make better, faster, more informed decisions about curriculum.

Because a more transparent education market is ultimately a better market for students.

With more and better information, we can forge an education market that more reliably delivers effective learning tools to the students who need them most.

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Male state education agency decision-maker engaged in collaborative conversation with happy Black district leader holding a report.
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