Beyond the Core: National Trends in District Selection of K-5 Supplemental Math Products

In this report, CEMD offers a detailed analysis of the supplemental math products that school districts in the United States are selecting for elementary education, and the needs those products may be serving.

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The Center for Education Market Dynamics • October 02, 2024

As K-12 math education evolves, supplemental materials are increasingly used to complement core curricula to address the diverse needs of students. Districts have the opportunity to strategically select products that align with their instructional goals and elevate the learning experiences of both educators and students.

By understanding the specific challenges educators face in the classroom, and by ensuring coherence with core curricula and assessments, districts support educators with additional instructional materials that meet their needs. This intentional integration can help students make meaningful connections across content, ultimately leading to improved outcomes.

Key Findings: 

  • Widespread Use: 64% of districts use between one and three K-5 math supplemental products, showcasing the need to support core instruction and meet varied student needs.
  • Multi-Purpose Products: Districts commonly select supplemental products that serve both practice and intervention purposes, and include diagnostic features to address diverse instructional needs and learning gaps.
  • Grade-Level Consistency: 71% of districts select supplemental products that span multiple grades (K-8), reflecting a desire for consistent support across elementary and middle school.
  • Core Curriculum Influence: While the quantity of supplemental products used is not significantly affected by the quality of a district’s core curricula, specific product choices vary in districts based on the quality of their core materials.
  • Emerging Trends: The supplemental products that districts select suggest a growing emphasis on differentiation, skills practice, and diagnostics to address current instructional needs and learning loss.
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