what we do for state education agencies

Increase Adoption of Quality Materials in Your State

We provide State Education Agencies (SEAs) with tools and insights to make better and more data-driven decisions, drive an increase in the adoption of high-quality instructional materials (HQIM), and strengthen coherent instructional systems that can improve outcomes for K-12 students.

Brown male principal discussing tutoring program options with a white, female teacher that tutors historically underserved students.

Curriculum Transparency for Improved Student Outcomes

Research shows that high-quality instructional materials are crucial for student learning, and can dramatically improve the educational outcomes of our nation’s most underserved students. But nationally, we don’t have a clear understanding of the instructional materials selected by districts.

State Education Agencies collect many data points from schools and districts both for accountability and to provide resources and supports. This collection often omits a critical component — the curriculum selected by districts to support instruction.

Our State Services enable leaders to unlock insights about district-selected curricula and understand their impact on student achievement. With enhanced data visibility, SEAs gain a new perspective on statewide trends in instructional materials selection and can more intentionally collaborate with and support their Local Education Agencies (LEAs).

We offer four capacity-building services for SEAs:

Support and guide SEA planning for HQIM and curriculum data-gathering initiatives.

Data analysis icon graphic that shows a line graph and pop out of a tool measuring program impact.

Reveal deeper understanding of curriculum patterns and instructional coherence.

Data collection and cleaning icon graphic that shows a clipboard with a bar graph and trend lines of student success.

Collect and clean curriculum data efficiently, leading to accurate and actionable insights.

Visualization and reporting icon graphic of a spiral notebook with a plotted graph on the front cover.

Illuminate district curriculum selection data and relevant insights via custom reporting tools and visualizations.

Gain New Insights

Unlock K-12 district curriculum selection data in your state.

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